
Hello Readers! We are here to tell you some details about Team One. First, we would say that our group is the best group among all groups. We might not have the most skilled programmers, but we all work hard as a team. We do each task that the leader gives without any hesitations. We are fair when it comes to doing a specific job, none in the group is being left behind, and we are all expressive of every suggestion we have in our minds. The group always chooses the easiest way possible to finish each task that is given to every member. Enjoy your stay!

With the group effort and professionality, the development of this project, E-Portfolio, has become successful in compliance with our OOP subject. Despite the distance learning and personal struggles, the members showcase their abilities and skills and do their best to finish this E-Portfolio. Kudos to the Team One!​

Ann Bernadette Recreo

Let Numbers Talk

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Our Vision

In 2026, we envision ourselves to become a center of learning and excellence.

Our Mission

Our mission aims to deliver educational content to students and instructors in order for them to improve and applied all the skills they learn to create a better place as technology is becoming a necessity.

Industry Experts

Meet the Team

Ann Bernadette Recreo
Hi! Have you met someone who doesn’t know her own self? She, who doesn’t know what college program does she really like even if she’s already in the 2nd year college. Let me introduce myself, I am Ann Bernadette B. Recreo, currently taking up an ICT program. In spite of the thought that I don’t see myself working in this industry, I still make sure to learn something from here that is still beneficial for me in the future. I must say that my greatest weapon in this life battle is my determination, proactiveness, good attitude and ability to manage my time.
Joshua Balmonte
Senior Developer
My name is Joshua C. Balmonte. I am 20 years old. I love beating deadlines and working on school activities not because of grades but for the preparation when I’m in the competitive industry. I love playing mobile games as well as programming. I love joining competitions to gain more experience and competence. Competitive programming shows the best and worst in me. I suck at Math, but I loved playing with strings. Currently, I am pursuing web development, and I wish I am good at coming up with excellent front-end design from scratch. After all, logic is indeed what defines my strength.
Leziel Faith Bagasbas
General Manager
I’m Leziel Faith A. Bagasbas, 20 years old and currently studying as 2nd year college student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I love doing things with family and friends which includes travelling, watching movies, playing online games, jamming, overnight parties and many more. I am task oriented, and results driven person. I don’t stop until task is accomplished. However, when I focus on my task/job I tend to forget about taking care of myself so I don’t eat well, don’t get enough rest, don’t pay enough attention to other things that could help me achieve that proper life balance. Having this kind of attitude somehow help me to accomplish almost all tasks I am assigned to do.
Archie Dela Paz
Content Writer
My name is Archie Arcilla Dela Paz, and I’m 21 years old. My hobbies are playing console, playing basketball or even watching it on tv, reading manga, watching anime and some movies available, I also love pets particularly dogs. My strengths are I always try to finish task that is given to me in time, also I can say that one of my strength is fixing computer hardware problems I love troubleshooting computers like assembling, installing OS and such. My weaknesses are, I easily get pressured for example like when someone’s rushing me to finish a certain task I always feel pressure even the task isn’t that big or hard and I couldn’t do self learning, I always ask on someone if I find things hard to do but then I always try my best and I think that’s what matters.
Juaquin Zaki Soriano
Hi I’m Joaquin Zaki Soriano, 20 years old lived in Antipolo City and currently studying at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. 2nd year in Diploma in Information Communication Technology and i’m also a Freelance Web Developer and Former Bug Bounty Hunter and a Penetration Tester in hackerone and compete in a hacking competition internationally and locally, I will consider my self as a person that lacks self confidence and eager to learn new things that can make human life efficient and easier.
Jude Christian Agsalon
Content Writer
My name is Jude Christian D. Agsalon, I am 20 years of age, and I am a college student in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Institute of Technology campus, and I am an ICT student. My hobbies are watching films and television shows, listening to music, and playing the guitar. I also enjoy reading occasionally. Some of the books I’ve read are Splinter Cell by Tom Clancy, Micro by Michael Crichton, Paper Towns by John Green and Inferno by Dan Brown. I have a particular interest in the Occult, Mythologies, Mysteries, Crime and History.
Mohad Matanog
My name is Mohad M. Matanog, and I am 21 years old. I am a student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I am presently in my second year of the DICT course. I’m the sort of person who chooses or interacts with individuals who interest me. I am a self-employed/student, and I am planning a startup project that is now on pause due to the pandemic, and I have lost sight of it; perhaps in the following months, I will finish what I am attempting to start.
Jason Antonio
My name is Jason Antonio and I am 19 years old. Because of pandemic I spend most of my time inside my room and I always use my laptop instead of my cellphone because I love playing different video games even though I’m not good at it, It is still makes me happy. Also I enjoy watching movies, tv series, kdramas and some anime. I am a night person rather than morning person because for me it is easier to focus when my surroundings are quiet so there is no things that might disturb me while I’m doing my works.
John Aaron Abesamis
My name is John Aaron B. Abesamis, 20 years old and I’m currently studying at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I’m a 2nd year ICT student. I consider myself as an introvert, enjoyed spending most of my time alone or inside our home. I’m a hardworking person and I like to learn new things, and i’m eager to explore anything out of my comfort zone.
Rissy Mae Alcuizar
Hi! I’m Rissy Mae Z. Alcuizar. I think of myself as a person who excel and master to almost nothing, all that I know is I’m motivated, hardworking and I don’t stop working things out as quitting is just not a solution for things to be resolved. I’m asleep most of the time, this is how I save energy and it helps me to freshen my mind which also helps me to accomplished every task at hand and stops me from worrying so much. I love watching movies especially those that is originally adapted from the books. One of my favorite quotes is “Why should I live up to other people’s expectations instead of my own?”. This is from the movie “10 Things I Hate About You” that is a modern movie adaptation of William Shakespeare’s comedy “The Taming of the Shrew”. Highly recommended!
Jeremy Gellido
Content Writer
My name is Albert Jeremy Bernard P. Gellido, I’m 20 years old and in second year of college. My hobbies are playing all kinds of computer games and reading books, when it comes to things I like doing it mostly revolves around computer related stuff due to my fascination with technology. If I were to describe myself I would say that I lack motivation at times, but when it matters I give it my best.