Object-Oriented Programming Lesson

Learn, solve, practice, and apply the knowledge to witness the beauty and mystery of programming 

What our Happy Student REFLECT
Ma’am Fajardo said that even if it’s not our desired course or specialization we have to finish this because soon it will worth enough and that we need to have that strong urge to love the subject itself.
Elena Miles

Getting Started With OOP for Beginner

Learn these 4 major parts of the lesson in Object-Oriented Programming
Four pillars of oop
Object-oriented Programming in 7 minutes | Mosh
sample problem
Object-Oriented Programming Java Tutorial (Java OOP)
design patterns
Design Patterns in Plain English | Mosh Hamedani

Trusted by Thousand of Students and Tutors


“OOP taught me to think logically, able to dissect complex problems, and arrived at answers through combinations of smaller solutions.”


“Thinking in an object-oriented manner involves envisioning program components as objects that are like concrete objects in the real world.”

leziel faith bagasbas

“I realized that there are many things and programs you can make by only learning this subject.”

Archie dela paz

“ It delves into making programs and applying them in everyday situations, envisioning real life objects as code and programming it to act like real objects.”

jude christian agsalon